Cambria and Hearst Castle
The day after Christmas Julies mom Evie joined us on a trip to Cambria. We have done this a couple of times before, but not since Christopher was little. We rented a house that the kids liked because it had a spa in the backyard. We liked it because it had a nice view out the front yard.

Patrick, Christopher, and Evie

Two days before our trip an earthquake struck just north of Cambria. There was little visible damage other than the buckled road on the way in and a few items knocked of the shelves in the house.
We love just taking easy there. We took hikes in the hills, visited Hearst Castle (when another aftershock hit), and saw elephant seals on the beach right along the road. We also went down to Morro Bay and saw Julies cousin Cheryl.

Yes, cows and zebras can and do live together on the Hearst Ranch

These guys are BIG!

Winter days in Cambria can be beautiful, cool with clear sunny skies. It is a great nearby getaway.